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The Problem of Cell-Phones in the Clasrroom

It is not a novelty the fact that the technology has had an incredible developing and increasing in recent decades. This can be reflected in many aspect of our society. For example, in the transportation area, the comunication area, or simply, in the entertainment area. In this sense, one of the technological products that has had the greatest impact on our lives is the cell-phone. This product has become in a essential and necessary partner in our day to day and we occupy it at all times and in any activity. This causes debates about the advantages and disadvantages of using the cell phone, especially in places like the classroom. Some people think that the using cell-phone in the classroom could be very harmful to the learning, and others think that could be beneficial. In this essay we shows that while it is true that using cell-phone can be beneficial at the time of learning, for example, if you don´t understand a topic or a concept, you couldl in your cell-phone information about this and achieve a better understanding, it can also be very harmful if you do not use this tool in a good way, for example, if you using the cell-phone to play or watch your social networks. Therefore is necessary a balance about the cell-phones in the classroom that benefits all the students.

One of the benefits to have a phone is that you can connect to the internet when you want, and looking all the information that you want. This could be very beneficial to the students in the classroom because if one student does not understand the information that teacher gives, or on the contrary, if the student understood it perfectly, but wants to go deeper into the subject, the cell-phone could become in a perfect tool for help in the learning of the student. Also, the cell-phone can help to record some difficult information that the teacher teaches, or save a picture of an image or scheme that the teacher put on the board.

On the other hand, the fact that the cell-phone can connect to the internet when you want, could be at the same time a very harmful thing. As all we knows, the most of people have at least one social network, and take the most of time in the cell-phone to looking this. For this, could be that if you see an student play in the cell-phone, the safest thing is that he is looking instagram, facebook or whatsapp instead of looking for information about the subject that the teacher shows.

For this reasons, is necessary a balance about the use of cell-phones in the classroom, because, while it is true that using cell-phone can be beneficial at the time of learning, it can also be very harmful if you do not use this tool in a good way. In this sense, a good solution to this problem could be prohibit the use of cell phones in the classroom while the teacher teaches, and then assign a little time for students to occupy their cell phones for educational purposes. Anyway, this is an open debate that will continue for a long time


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