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Mostrando las entradas de 2018

The Problem of Cell-Phones in the Clasrroom

It is not a novelty the fact that the technology has had an incredible developing and increasing in recent decades. This can be reflected in many aspect of our society. For example, in the transportation area, the comunication area, or simply, in the entertainment area. In this sense, one of the technological products that has had the greatest impact on our lives is the cell-phone. This product has become in a essential and necessary partner in our day to day and we occupy it at all times and in any activity. This causes debates about the advantages and disadvantages of using the cell phone, especially in places like the classroom. Some people think that the using cell-phone in the classroom could be very harmful to the learning, and others think that could be beneficial. In this essay we shows that while it is true that using cell-phone can be beneficial at the time of learning, for example, if you don´t understand a topic or a concept, you couldl in your cell-phone information about

Money spent on Books

This line graph is about the money spent on books in millions of US dollars for different countries. Specifically, this graph shows us information about Germany, France, Italy and Austria, in the period between the years 1995 and 2005. In this text will be shown the changes of every country in the graph through the years, and then will be do a general conclusion of all countries in the graph. First, we can see that Germany had the biggest amount of money spent on books in 1995. The number reached 80 million US dollars, and the next closest country (France) just spent 55 million US dollars on books. We can see that between 1995 and 1999 Germany had a slightly increase, reaching 90 US million dollars, and, after a little decline between 1999 and 2003 Germany, reach the 95 US million dollars in 2005, staying in the first place of money expenditure on books. If we see France, we can see that this country had a continue increasing through the years, starting in 1995 spend

The importance of Music

Hello again, today I´m going to write about a wonderful talk about the music. This talk it was dictate for Anika Paulson. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything”. The first Anika´s words show us the importance of the music in the world and the expressions and relations of the people in the society. For her, the music is part of the human identity and can connect the sense of people in every part of world in every time. In this direction, we can express our life and found ourselves through the music. Anika show us how we began to study in the university, she began to “listen others melodies, others tempo” that aren’t her music. So her melody “started to sound like theirs”, and she began to lose yourself. We can see how Anika explain her life through the music and how represents the changes in her life trough of this. But this way to live the life is not just a superstition, because she study a lot of physics science and

The problem with the Sociology

We live in a world that is in a constant change. Through of the history we could see how the wars, the poverty, the revolutions, the technology, and the own system, guide the way of humanity. Why the world changes an every moment? Why we live in a deeply inequality society for the most of people? Sociology seems to be a good way to respond these questions, since this is the scientific study of society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction and culture of everyday life. For this, through Sociology we can know the phenomena that occur in the society through history, to take better decisions at present. For example, in the problem of gender inequality at work, with a good sociology investigation we could have a better understanding of this problem. This information could be very important at the time of to make public policies that really help to reduce the salary gap. Consequently, Sociology is an important and indispensable tool if we want a equal and democratic society

Bio Data

My name is Diego Valenzuela, I´m 20 and I am a second-year student of sociology at the Universidad de Chile. I choose this career because I´m very interested in the phenomena that occur in the society and cause a change of behavior to the people. My topics of interest are the power, the gender, and the history. The last year, one of my first investigation as a student of this career, was a historical research about gender in the “Hacienda” in Chile. Specifically, my research was about how the masculinity was expressed in the relation of the tenant and the “hacendado” through of the years, and how this relation ended expressed in the work relationships that we see today. At the beginning of this year, I take an additional subject called “Identity, gender and social commitment in Catalan culture” this subject helps me to know of better way about the problems of the identity and gender, al this with a vision of a Catalan culture. Now I´m regularly assist to conversations and conferences a

My Career

The career that I am studying is the Sociology, at the Universidad de Chile. I think that is a good and funny career, but, it could be better. In this career, the subjects that I have to study are varied types, like, philosophy, economy, psychology, anthropology, statistics, and, of course, sociological theory (among many more). In most of these subjects, we learn the different thoughts of important authors for sociology, those who are usually men, and rarely did we read texts written by women. I think that the organization of the texts that we read should be more equitable in all the courses, because it is essential not to hide the voices of women who have been equally important in the social theory. The duration of the career is five years, in which we must study ten semesters. I think that it's a good time to get a good preparation (or maybe a little extensive time). Also, I think that the campus have a good infrastructure and the classrooms are big and very comfortable, especi

¿Cat or Dogs?

There are many decisions that are essential to your life, and one of those is if you prefer dogs or cats. I think this is the most important decision that you have to take in your life. For me, I like the cats because they are highly intelligent creatures; they are small and very cute, but also, if the cats don´t want your company (or do not want to be disturbed to sleep all day), they can be a little monster and they can inflict you more than a wound, but when they want, can be your best friend. I had a black cat called “Kuro” and he was very small and very adorable, but one day he escaped from the house and a car ran over him :( . About dogs, I really like them, because they seems happy when you want to caress them and they are very playful and extremely faithful. For this, when I see a dog in the street it makes me very sad and I try to caress him and give him something to eat. I have a dog called “Blanquita”. She is approximately 8 years old and we found her in the street whe

¿My Future?

Well, honestly, I haven´t thought about what I'm going to study in the future, but I always liked the music, I play the guitar but I don´t know about theory methods to play and I´ve always wanted to learn to play other instruments like the violin or the bass, so I think that in the future, after finishing the sociology career, I would like to study a subject about music, like a story of music or the music theory, and to be able to play every instruments of the world jeje. I think there must be excellent courses abroad, but I would like stay here in Chile, because I would like to study this course while I work as a sociologist, to afford the course, and my entire life :B so I think that a distance learning is a good option for me. I imagine myself working as a sociologist, and then coming to my house and studying music from the computer :). And maybe when I am old, I like to study a philosophy course, because I've always been interested in all this topics about the humanity, s

One Piece!

One of the things that I very like to do in my free time is watch movies, series, and animes. I love the good stories, those that make you laugh, cry, scream! those stories that surprise you and you can't stop seeing them. One of my favorites stories of all time it´s the story of One Piece One Piece is an anime serie that shows the story of Luffy. He is a pirate who dreams of being the King of Pirates! and for that he must find the One Piece, a legendary treasure that is hidden somewhere in the ocean. He have a power that allows him stretch his whole body like a gum. The story is wonderfull, because it have a very funny moments, and also very epics moments that you can´t stop crying ;( This anime starts in 1999 and it have more than 800 episodes, and the creator keeps on publishing new episodes!. For this reason I hope I can be alive to see the end of this amazing story. The bad thing is that every week only one episode is published and the episodes just last 20 minutes :( But w

The Best Holiday

My best holidays were three years ago, but, it seems like a lot of time has passed ;( That year I don't travel anywhere out of the country or even out of Santiago, I just spend my vacation at my grandparents' house in Santiago, in Peñaflor township. I was around 3 weeks staying in this house, and it was very entertaining. I was accompanied by my cousin, and we spent all day playing ping pong with my cousin and computer games, in addition to watching movies with my grandmother, and every night, we we got together to play card games until very late. Why these have been my best vacations? Maybe I didn't see beautiful places, or I didn't rest on a beach, or even I didn't eat delicious foods, but I really didn't care, because I was accompanied by part of my family that I didn't see for a long time and  I really enjoyed it (and I could sleep a lot :) For these reasons, this is my best holiday :)

Dreaming with Japan

When I was kid, I dreamed about travelling to France and climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower and fly across the whole country. But then I learned that the humans can't fly for themselves, so I try to forget the Eiffel Tower :(. Now my new dream is travel to Japan. Why? The truth is that I fell in love with this country because of the Japanese animation, also called "anime". The Anime shows me the wonderful culture of Japan and many awesome places to I want to visit. For example, I have seen the "ganjitsu", that is a national holiday. This is the celebration of the new year. Is customary for people to dress in traditional clothes, and visit various religious temples. I really like to participe in this celebration. Also, I have been a beautiful places, like the Mount Fuji. This is the highest mountain in Japan, and the 7th-highest peak of an island in the world. I dream with some day to be there and and observe the beautiful landscape of the city. However,